Update on Member-Proposed Motion: Advocating for Fair Taxes and Fees

Update on Member-Proposed Motion: Advocating for Fair Taxes and Fees


Dear Chamber Members,


We hope this message finds you well. At the last Annual General Meeting (AGM), a member proposed a motion to advocate for fair taxes and fees, addressing concerns shared by many within our chamber community. We’re thrilled to provide you with an update on the progress we’ve made since then.


Background: During the AGM, one of our members brought forward a motion aimed at advocating for fair taxes and fees, recognizing the importance of creating an equitable business environment for all members. This motion resonated strongly with the chamber’s mission to support and empower businesses in our community.


Progress Update: Since the motion was proposed, our team has been actively engaging with policymakers to gain insights into existing policies related to taxes and fees. Through these communications, we have sought to understand the current landscape, identify strengths and weaknesses in the existing framework, and explore opportunities for advocacy and improvement. This collaborative approach has allowed us to gather valuable information and lay the groundwork for informed advocacy efforts on behalf of our members.


Results and Attachments: We’re excited to share with you the results of our efforts so far. Attached to this message, you will find documents outlining the progress made on the member-proposed motion. These materials provide insights into the strategies we have employed, the challenges we have encountered, and the milestones we have achieved along the way.

Chamber Tax and Fee Information Request July 2023

Letter to Pinawa Chamber of Commerce November 15, 2023

Chamber Tax and Fee Information Request February 2024


Next Steps: Building upon our communications with policymakers and the insights gained into existing policies related to taxes and fees, our focus now shifts to strategic advocacy and action. We are committed to leveraging the information gathered to develop targeted recommendations and initiatives aimed at addressing the identified strengths and weaknesses in the current framework. Moving forward, we will continue to engage with stakeholders, mobilize support within our community, and advocate for policies that promote fairness and sustainability. Your involvement and input remain invaluable as we navigate this advocacy journey together. Let’s work collaboratively to effect positive change and create a more equitable business environment for all.


Get Involved: Your input and participation are crucial as we continue to champion this important cause. We encourage you to review the attached documents and share any feedback or suggestions you may have. Together, we can amplify our collective voice and drive meaningful change in our community.


Conclusion: As your chamber of commerce, we are dedicated to representing your interests and advocating for policies that support the success of businesses in our region. The member-proposed motion on fair taxes and fees exemplifies our commitment to addressing the concerns of our members and working collaboratively towards a brighter future for all.


Thank you for your ongoing support and engagement. We look forward to continuing this journey together.


Warm regards,

Pinawa Chamber of Commerce

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