2023 Membership Renewal Reminder
Thank you for your past membership in the Pinawa Chamber of Commerce. Your support is greatly appreciated.
Membership dollars help us support local initiatives through sponsorship and promotion, advocate on behalf of the local business community, and organize membership meetings that include guest speakers and networking opportunities.
Other benefits of being a chamber member include:
• A listing In The Pinawa Chamber Member Directory
• Voting rights at the Annual General Meeting
• Members only Affinity Programs
• The Chambers Plan – Canada’s #1 Plan for Employee Benefits
Memberships are $60.00 per business per year.
To renew your membership please complete a membership application form (found on our website here) and send the completed form via email to info@pinawachamber.com or by mail to The Pinawa Chamber of Commerce, PO Box 544, Pinawa, Manitoba. ROE 1LO. Accepted forms of payment are cash, cheque and e-transfer. E-transfers can be sent to info@pinawachamber.com. Please renew by May to retain voting privileges at the Pinawa Chamber AGM (date to be confirmed).
Thank you to those that attended the special meeting and put there names in to join the board. As discussed in the meeting, we are an all new board and are actively looking for feedback from members as to what members would like to see from the chamber. The Pinawa Chamber is still seeking more board members to be able to hold more activities and have more of a presence. If you are interested in contributing to the business community through participation in the Chamber of Commerce please contact us at info@plnawachamber.com.