February 2024 News and Events
Important Announcements.
- Our Annual General Meeting is on March 13 2024, 6:30 pm at The Pinawa Club. At this meeting we will accept nominations and vote on new directors and give you an update presentation on Chamber business. Drinks and snacks will be provided.
- 2024 Chamber membership invoices have gone out and payment is due on March 1. Please note that a paid membership is required to vote in our AGM.
New Policy Resolution Process.
- Members who would like the Pinawa Chamber to address a local business issue, opportunity, or problem, will be invited to submit resolutions to our new policy resolution process after it is launched at our AGM. The basic steps are below.
- Step 1. Define
- What is the problem or opportunity that needs to be addressed and what actions are required?
- Step 2. Develop
- Prepare a 1-page draft summary outlining the issue/opportunity, background resolution and argument.
- Step 3. Submit
- Submit your request for review by the Pinawa Chamber Board to ensure it meets the criteria.
- Step 4. Debate
- Upon approval from the Pinawa Chamber Board the request is introduced at a member meeting for discussion and voting.
- Step 5. Advocate
- The Pinawa Chamber of Commerce will bring the policy to the attention of the local government or relevant group/agency.
- Step 1. Define
- We will present more specific guidelines for submitting resolutions at our AGM and begin accepting them on March 14.
Town Markets
- Town markets have been an excellent way to connect with locals, raise awareness of the chamber and promote our members through our local business directory. During the Winter Holiday market, we did a free draw for a one-year chamber membership. Congratulations to Carly Suski Massage Therapy for winning and welcome to the Pinawa Chamber!
Website Upgrades
- Our website pinawachamber.com, has been updated and we are happy with the new look. The next steps will be adding content, and making sure our member directory is up to date.
- Our top priority for 2024 is enhancing the visibility of the business directory. Check it out by visiting https://pinawachamber.com/chamber-directory-3/ .
Pinawa Chamber Strategic Planning
- In mid-late 2023 we created a Strategic plan that was based off our member survey and facilitated by Community Futures Winnipeg River. We outlined four main priorities:
- Priority 1: Governance and Administration. It’s our goal to govern effectively and transparently as well as ensure that our internal processes are running smoothly and are meeting current needs.
- Priority 2: Membership Growth. Simply put, the more chamber members there are, the more effective our organization can be. More members mean more diversity in knowledge and skills and a stronger voice when advocating for business needs.
- Priority 3: Marketing and Communications. Marketing and visibility is consistently reported to us as a top reason for joining the Chamber. In 2024 we will be focusing heavily on raising the profile of our members by enhancing the visibility of our local business directory.
- Priority 4: Advocacy and Leadership. Local businesses, especially small ones need support now more than ever. As previously mentioned, we will be introducing a process by which individual members can put forth resolutions that will be voted on by the general membership, and if supported, will be adopted and be brought to the LGD of Pinawa Council or relevant organizations.
Manitoba Chambers of Commerce Benefit Information
- Chambers of Commerce Group Insurance Plan. The Chambers of Commerce Group Insurance Plan is Canada’s leading group benefit plan for companies between 1-50 employees, and only available to Chamber members. Visit the website at https://www.chamberplan.ca/ to learn more.
- Manitoba Chambers of Commerce eWeekly Newsletter. Signing up will allow you to stay current on initiatives of the Manitoba Chambers of Commerce, as well as receive government announcements, member profiles and more. To sign up, visit https://mbchamber.mb.ca/join-our-newsletter/
- Business Services and Member Value Programs. Your membership gets you discounted or special rates on various services for business. To learn more, visit https://mbchamber.mb.ca/opportunities/exclusive-member-benefits/.
Regional Opportunities
- Lac du Bonnet Chamber of Commerce is holding their second annual career fair on April 11 2024 at the Lac du Bonnet Community Centre. Please reach out to Cathy Gregg at ldbchamberofcommerce@gmail.com
- The Winnipeg River Tourism Corridor Committee is looking for volunteer committee members. The group is a collaboration between the local governments and RM’s of Alexander, Powerview-Pine Falls, St. Georges, Lac du Bonnet and Pinawa, that aims to promote the region as a tourism destination. The group formed in 2022 and has achieved the creation of a regional strategy and needs assessment document and a website Winnipeg River Tourism Corridor. For more information, contact Pinawa Community Development Corporation Executive Director Patlee Creary at executivedirector@pinawacdc.com or Committee Secretary Michelle Wazny at edo@rmalexander.com.
As always, please contact us at info@pinawachamber.com with any questions, comments, concerns, or accolades.
Pinawa Chamber of Commerce